1:1 Coaching – Transforming Relationships

My one-to-one coaching is a unique, deeply transformative 6-month journey for women seeking relational healing

The six months will be specifically tailored to your needs and where
you’re at on your relational journey, allowing for the deepest transformation to
take place
Unmasking Love:
A Powerful 6-Month Journey to Relationship Healing for Single Women
Are you completely done with getting into relationships that aren’t right for you?
Are you fed up with losing yourself and creating the same bloody situation over and over again? Different face. Same outcome.
Are you totally over self-abandoning and morphing into what you think your partner wants you to be?
Are you desperate to know how to change patterns in your relationship?
Are you yearning for a life partner, one where you are fully met and seen for who you are, but either don’t believe it’s possible or are worried that if you do meet that person, you’ll ‘fuck it up’?
Or maybe deep down you feel undeserving? Or that you have way too much dysfunctional “relational shit” to attract a healthy, conscious partnership.
I hear you.
And I’ve sooo been there.

“When I first found Nat, I was struggling in my relationship..
I had been in other long-term relationships that hadn’t worked out, and I was in a new-ish relationship, and deeply concerned about making what felt like it might be the “wrong choice” in love…again.
I was feeling a lot of fear coming up, and I really wanted someone I could trust to help me sort through some of my baggage & help me make aligned decisions.
With Nat’s support, I was able to uncover patterns about my own behaviors & beliefs in relationships, to see how I could trust myself even more as I made choices about my relationship, and to keep remembering to listen to myself.
After working with Nat, I feel more honest with myself & my partner, and I trust myself even more to make the most loving choices for myself as I move forward. This means the world to me. Thank you, Nat.”
Solveig Pedersen, Life, Love, & Leadership Coach – https://solandheart.com
As a recovering self-abandoner, I was terrified to be myself in my relationships. Instead, I would become what I thought my partner wanted me to be…
It was way safer that way.
I mean, no one can abandon or reject me if I become the “perfect” woman for my partner, right?
I did get abandoned.
I abandoned me.
I was rejecting parts of me that deeply wanted and needed to be seen.
Looking back, I can see the beautiful gift I was depriving my partners and the relationship of.
I was hiding my gold.
And in fact, I’ll never know what could have been possible in those relationships had I shown up truly as myself.
Years later, I am now in a thriving partnership. Don’t get me wrong, the first couple of years were hard! – working through old patterns, beliefs and navigating the o’ so fun (not) wounds dance.
But after the many gruelling days and nights of facing myself; my pain, my fears, my learned beliefs, and doing the necessary inner work both alone and with the right practitioners, as well as turning towards my partner instead of away (key), our relationship dramatically shifted.
I believe we have created true partnership. We have grown together. Arguably more so than we could ever have done on our own.

“Nat’s series of workshops were profound and life-changing. She held an energetic space for transformation and healing throughout the whole course.
I identified deep-seated beliefs and fears which were ruling my reactions and decisions and learnt how to re-write them in a matter of minutes with simple exercises. Natalie held a safe online space with compassion and love and genuine enthusiasm and passion for her work. Thank you Nat!”
Jenny Asha Lily Wilde

“We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship.”
Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt
So I have a couple of questions for you…
If so, I’ve got you.
Remember, it’s normal to be scared.
But one thing I know for sure is if you’ve read this far, you’re not only ready for this deep work, your soul is craving it!
Embracing the Precipice
Unmasking Love supports single women who deeply yearn for a thriving partnership to:
- Explore your relational codependent patterns
- Understand the unconscious behaviours in relationships that have contributed to your past “failed” relationships
- Discover where the “not good enough” stories play out and have played out in your relationships and triggers
- Soothe and train the nervous system to understand what home feels like in the body
- Become a master of discernment using your powerful, intuitive body cues
- Get super clear on your needs, values, desires and triggers
- Move from terror to trust when preparing for your next relationship
- Open up your heart and get ready to let love in
- Understand how and when to share your vulnerable heart within new connections and relationships
- Navigate and learn how to hold yourself through the initial uncertainty that new relationships bring up.
Alchemy of Intimacy:
A Powerful 6-Month Journey to Relationship Transformation for Women In Relationship
What if I told you that what’s coming up in your relationship is helping you heal?
Relationship therapists Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt say that we unconsciously seek out romantic partners to help us resolve unfinished business from our childhood.
Core childhood wounds such as abandonment, suppression or neglect in all its forms will often arise in committed relationships, which often overshadow all the good stuff and leave you wondering, “Have I chosen the right person?”
So, you’re not going mad – this is totally normal!
Nurturing the space in between
Alchemy of Intimacy supports women who deeply yearn for a thriving partnership to:
- Explore your relational attachment patterns
- Become masterful at vulnerable conversations and communication
- Distinguish what’s your work, their work and the relationship work
- Discover what stories are playing in the background during triggering moments
- Understand your conflict style and how to choose love over fearful avoidance strategies
- Understand which version of the “child self” is behind the driver’s seat during conflict and know exactly how to move through it with grace and ease
- Become masterful at flipping the “not good enough” script
- Develop tools to help you find home, safety and stability in yourself
- Fully give from an open heart, as well as stay grounded in your own power
- Experience profound personal soul work and transformation in your relationships.

“I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of my historical relational patterns, which were becoming toxic to myself, my partner and my relationship…
Throughout our journey together, we used a variety of methods to explore what truly underpins my triggers and how to respond differently when they arise. I was able to shine a light on my patterns and behaviours and was given the chance to explore why they have come about and tools to use so that I can respond differently when they do.
Through the light of my own consciousness, carefully guided by Nat, I have been able to release some of my negative patterns of behaviour towards myself and my partner, and even challenge my own belief systems. Alongside being a natural facilitator, it was always evident that Nat deeply cared about me and my individual, relational journey.
Thank you so much, Nat!”
Bethany Teague
My work is heavily influenced by the following teachers and practices
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably interested in doing this work. Here’s more about how it works:

Your mentorship will be tailored to exactly where you’re at on your relationship journey.
What’s included in your one-to-one coaching & 6-month Relationship Transformation Program:
- Full email and/or WhatsApp support throughout our time together: Because you’ll have questions and concerns in between your private coaching calls, full email and WhatsApp support is built into this program. You can email, message or audio me at any time and receive a reply back within 24-48 hours.
- Fortnightly 75-minute PRIVATE Mentoring Calls: To really deep dive into your patterns, fears and “not enough” beliefs that are keeping you from feeling the freedom, love and openness that you deserve in your life and relationships.
- Follow up emails after each session detailing what emerged from the session, action steps to work on, journalling prompts and any other practices that support your work.
Your 6 month journey includes:
- 12 Private 75 minute coaching calls
- Full email and WhatsApp support
- Detailed follow up emails after each session
£2,222 paid in full or 6 monthly payments of £370 *£100 non-refundable deposit
Sisters spread the word!
If you recommend me and it leads to a successful booking, I’ll thank you with a £100 finder’s fee! 🙏🏽

“Working with Nat is such a clarifying, enriching and empowering process..
She truly listens and brings so much awareness to my heartache and desires. I had so many insights that have shifted my trajectory for the better. It’s all about my relationship to myself, which I know intellectually, but this work highlights the gaps in my emotional landscape. I can now truly recognise on the deepest level that everything mirrors this divine connection with myself.
Nat brings so much heart and humour to every session. We laugh, we cry & heal through the awesome authenticity the space allows. I’m so grateful for our time together, I’m still integrating my insights and walk a new talk. You’re a legend!”
Celia Peachey – Female Empowerment Coach